Lessons in Falling: English Edition by LYX

von WATTPAD-Superstar Selina MaeTeil 3 der Reihe "Hall Beck University: English Edition by LYX"Teil 3 der Reihe "Hall Beck University"

    This book is available in two editions: one with sprayed edges and one without. Once the edition with sprayed edges sells out, we will fulfill orders with the edition without sprayed edges.

    The next book in her New-Adult-series by WATTPAD-superstar Selina Mae

    Like every summer Valentina Rhodes can finally focus on nothing but beach, sun and her best friends - until Caden Callahan pops up at the beach house and announces they’re bunking together. Valentina wouldn’t have slept with him if she’d known they would share the same group of friends (and her bedroom) a few months later: The group’s Anti-Fraternization policy runs deep. But Caden’s natural charm and rough edges seem to make it impossible to stay away, and he never tried to begin with.

    English edition of LESSONS IN FALLING by WATTPAD-superstar Selina Mae featuring the popular LYX-Paperback-format

    16,00 €

    inkl. MwSt.

    Lieferbar ab 25.07.2025





    Buch (Paperback)




    Englisch (Großbritannien)





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