The Charlie Method: English Edition by LYX

The irresistible TIKTOK hit series by the author of OFF CAMPUS Teil 3 der Reihe "Campus Diaries"

    Briar U - it doesn't get any hotter!

    College senior Charlotte Kingston is living two lives - and she's nailing both of them. By day, she's the perfect sorority girl, a STEM student in biomedical engineering, and the adopted daughter of an overachiever family. At night, she's Charlie: a risk-taking daredevil looking for fun who finds herself chatting on a dating app with two anonymous hotties.

    Will Larsen may seem like the breezy boy next door, but his congressman father is a constant thorn in his side. After a scandal hits another Division 1 hockey program, Will's dad is determined to distance his son from it, hiring a journalist to prove how squeaky-clean Will and his team are. Which means the last thing Will wants is for anyone to find out he and his best friend Beckett Dunne - a laidback Aussie shielding secret heartache - sometimes share girls in the bedroom

    Book 3 in the Campus Diaries series

    16,00 €

    inkl. MwSt.

    Lieferbar ab 25.07.2025





    Buch (Paperback)









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